Sunday, July 4, 2010

Why "jump out of a perfectly good airplane"?

Here's something I learned once again, with a recent lesson. That is, you don't know what you've got until you are called on to give it.

The brief version is my husband and I are planning to go kiyaking around Maine this Fall and thought, just maybe, we should know what to do if the kiyak should happen to tip over... Technical term, "capsizing". So, we did what any self-respecting middle aged couple would do; we (I reluctantly) signed up for a class on self-rescue. Sounds good right?

Now fast forward to yesterday. Picture yours truly flailing about as I attempted to claw my way out of the ocean and up onto the kiyak, powered by the approximate upper body strength of a small kitten! No one was going to help me, it wasn't going to be pretty, I just had to get my #%#@ ass up out of the water! That's when the lesson kicked it. That's when I found a combination of strength and determination I didn't know I possessed; as necessity is one of the finest teachers of all!

So what can you gain from my adventure and how can it help your business? Take a look... First of all, there was the "facing one's biggest fear" about being on the water...capsizing and not being able to get back into the boat. What is your biggest fear about your business? What is the thing you don't want to face for fear that you won't survive it? My guess is that it's probably exactly where you need to look and invest some time, energy or money to prevent an unanticipated "capsizing".

Second...time to dig deep into yourself! If this threat is real, staying superficial ignoring the need doesn't serve you. Looking deeply into yourself for the resolve and resources to meet the situation will do several things for you. You will reduce any anxiety by being in action toward a solution, you'll improve your chances of preventing a "disaster" and get this, you'll know yourself as a more powerful person.

That leads to the third benefit...getting fierce! Imagine yourself growling, GRRRRR! Tapped into that primal survival energy to do what needs to be done, using all the strength at your disposal and more! Not only does it get the job feels good. I'm telling you, you will walk taller when you have an experience of yourself as courageous and powerful enough to meet the challenge at hand.

I would love to hear about your challenges and what you experienced and learned from them.


Marilyn Fahrner